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BIGDBM Data Products

Multi-sourced, data-science derived, and privacy-compliant data offerings for marketing, advertising, lead generation, and identity verification.

Showing 11-20 of 22 results

BIGDBM US Consumer Mailing Address Data

The US Consumer Mailing Address file contains address, geolocation, and household information related to individuals in the Consumer Database.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer IP Address Data

The US Consumer IP Address file contains information on the location and observation dates of IP addresses tied to individuals in the Consumer Database.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Email Address Data

The US Consumer Email Address file has 700 million+ emails with new emails monthly. Emails are stored in plain text, MD5, SHA 256, and SHA1 formats.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Demographics Data

The Consumer Demographic database is comprised of over 80 sources and includes over 400 different data points for each individual in a household with complete PII including name, address, email, phone, and IP addresses.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Date of Birth (DOB) Data

The US Consumer Date of Birth (DOB) file contains the month, day, and year date of birth fields for each individual in the Consumer Database.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Contact Data Package

The US Consumer Contact Data package is a single file consisting of the Consumer Address, Consumer DOB, Consumer Email, and Consumer Phone fields linked to individuals in the Consumer database.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Auto Ownership Data

The US Consumer Auto package includes every vehicle available in a household and is tied to the full US Consumer database.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Consumer Audience Segmentation Data

The US Consumer Audience Segmentation file has 280 million+ U.S. consumers clustered into bubbles based on their household income, generation, marital status, and environment (urban-suburban or rural-town).

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US Commercial Property/Real Estate Data

The US Commercial Property/Real Estate file has 30 million+ non-residential properties which include property characteristics, site details, purchase details, tax details, and ownership information.

Flag of United StatesUnited States

BIGDBM US B2B2C (B2B-to-Consumer) Contact Data

The B2B2C file includes individual email addresses and personal and professional phone numbers. It is a pure combination of our B2B and Consumer files with contact enrichment data from both databases.

Flag of United StatesUnited States