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BIGDBM US Consumer Date of Birth (DOB) Data

The US Consumer Date of Birth (DOB) file contains the month, day, and year date of birth fields for each individual in the Consumer Database.

Request Information
IndividualID First_Name Middle_Name Last_Name Name_Suffix Address City State Zip Zip4 Email Phone DOB_Year DOB_Month DOB_Day DOB Age
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The US Consumer Date of Birth (DOB) file contains the month, day, and year date of birth fields for each individual in the Consumer Database. We have developed this file to be tied to our Consumer Demographics Database so additional demographics can be applied as needed. Each record is ranked by confidence and only the highest quality data is used. This file contains over 280 million records. *Note - all Consumer packages can include necessary PII (address, email, phone, DOB, etc.) for merging, linking, and activation of the data. BIGDBM Privacy Policy: https://bigdbm.com/privacy.html

Country Coverage

(1 country)
North America (1)

Data Categories

  • Demographic Data
  • Audience Data
  • Consumer Marketing Data
  • Identity Data
  • Identity Linkage Data


Pricing available upon request



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