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BIGDBM US Consumer Mobile Device (MAIDs) Data

The Consumer Mobile Device file contains MAIDs connected to individuals in the Consumer Database. The fields available include latitude and longitude, device type, hashed emails, and plain-text emails.

Request Information
Attribute Type Example
IndividualID Integer 1654455129
First_Name String Erwina
Middle_Name String NULL
Last_Name String Tendencia
Name_Suffix String NULL
Address String 17 Stonehurst Blvd
City String Freehold
State String NJ
Zip Integer 7728
Zip4 Integer 3205
Email String [email protected]
Phone Integer 7327618064
IP String
EmailID Integer 6262167
MD5 String 1faab03f95c7e47921d93a0c63871471
SHA1 String b508162899e116157a2f6c1e7d3eb7879d1f7874
SHA256 String 476ccb3fb3962da377fc7ffad55db54e21331ff2bf95300ee4e3fd0de82c1940
Latitude String NULL
Longitude String NULL
Accuracy String NULL
UpdateDate String 4/22/2023
LastSeenDate String 3/29/2023
Maid String 8E297F42-1C82-5E13-9F8B-43FD58B8D45F
DeviceType String IDFA
UserAgent String NULL
OS String IOS
PublisherID String NULL


The Consumer Mobile Device file contains MAIDs connected to an individual in the Consumer Database. The fields available include latitude and longitude, device type, hashed emails, and plain-text emails. This is updated monthly from a database containing billions of MAID<>email linkages. We have developed this file to be tied to our Consumer Demographics Database so additional demographics can be applied as needed. Each record is ranked by confidence and only the highest quality data is used. *Note - all Consumer packages can include necessary PII (address, email, phone, DOB, etc.) for merging, linking, and activation of the data. BIGDBM Privacy Policy: https://bigdbm.com/privacy.html

Country Coverage

(1 country)
North America (1)

Data Categories

  • Device Graph Data
  • Consumer Marketing Data
  • Direct Marketing Data
  • Identity Data
  • Mobile IP Data


Pricing available upon request



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