Attribute | Type | Example |
IndividualID | Integer | 25992653 |
First_Name | String | Susan |
Last_Name | String | Tan |
Address | String | 165 Center St |
Zip | Integer | 44030 |
Zip4 | Integer | 2207 |
City | String | Conneaut |
State | String | OH |
String | [email protected] | |
Phone | Integer | 4405932483 |
SitusStateCode | String | FL |
SitusCounty | String | Charlotte |
PropertyJurisdictionName | String | CHARLOTTE |
SitusStateCountyFIPS | Integer | 12015 |
CombinedStatisticalArea | String | NORTH PORT-SARASOTA FL |
CBSACode | Integer | 39460 |
MSACode | Integer | 6580 |
MetropolitanDivision | String | NULL |
MinorCivilDivisionName | String | PORT CHARLOTTE |
MinorCivilDivisionCode | Integer | 92834 |
NeighborhoodCode | Integer | 5 |
CensusFIPSPlaceCode | Integer | 15 |
CensusTract | String | NULL |
CensusBlockGroup | String | NULL |
CensusBlock | String | NULL |
ParcelNumberRaw | String | 40-21-09-355-015 |
ParcelNumberFormatted | String | NULL |
ParcelNumberYearAdded | Integer | 2008 |
ParcelNumberAlternate | String | 0052949-000000-5 |
ParcelMapBook | String | NULL |
ParcelMapPage | String | NULL |
ParcelNumberYearChange | Integer | 2008 |
ParcelNumberPrevious | Float | 529490000000.0 |
ParcelAccountNumber | Integer | 10004536041 |
PropertyAddressFull | String | 14115 Bethel Ave |
PropertyAddressHouseNumber | Integer | 14115 |
PropertyAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressStreetName | String | Bethel |
PropertyAddressStreetSuffix | String | Ave |
PropertyAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressCity | String | Port Charlotte |
PropertyAddressState | String | FL |
PropertyAddressZIP | Integer | 33953 |
PropertyAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressCRRT | String | NULL |
PropertyAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
CongressionalDistrictHouse | String | NULL |
PropertyLatitude | Float | 27.00434303 |
PropertyLongitude | Float | -82.21824646 |
GeoQuality | Integer | 0 |
LegalDescription | String | PCH 048 2646 0021 PORT CHARLOTTE SEC48 BLK2646 LT 21 633/1072 |
LegalRange | String | 21E |
LegalTownship | String | 40S |
LegalSection | Integer | 9 |
LegalQuarter | String | NULL |
LegalQuarterQuarter | String | NULL |
LegalSubdivision | String | PORT CHARLOTTE |
LegalPhase | String | NULL |
LegalTractNumber | Integer | 0 |
LegalBlock1 | Integer | 2646 |
LegalBlock2 | String | NULL |
LegalLotNumber1 | Integer | 21 |
LegalLotNumber2 | String | NULL |
LegalLotNumber3 | String | NULL |
LegalUnit | String | NULL |
PartyOwner1NameFull | String | NULL |
PartyOwner1NameFirst | String | Susan |
PartyOwner1NameMiddle | String | NULL |
PartyOwner1NameLast | String | Tan |
PartyOwner1NameSuffix | String | NULL |
TrustDescription | String | NULL |
CompanyFlag | String | NULL |
PartyOwner2NameFull | String | NULL |
PartyOwner2NameFirst | String | NULL |
PartyOwner2NameMiddle | String | NULL |
PartyOwner2NameLast | String | NULL |
PartyOwner2NameSuffix | String | NULL |
OwnerTypeDescription1 | String | INDIVIDUAL |
OwnershipVestingRelationCode | String | NULL |
PartyOwner3NameFull | String | NULL |
PartyOwner3NameFirst | String | NULL |
PartyOwner3NameMiddle | String | NULL |
PartyOwner3NameLast | String | NULL |
PartyOwner3NameSuffix | String | NULL |
PartyOwner4NameFull | String | NULL |
PartyOwner4NameFirst | String | NULL |
PartyOwner4NameMiddle | String | NULL |
PartyOwner4NameLast | String | NULL |
PartyOwner4NameSuffix | String | NULL |
OwnerTypeDescription2 | String | NULL |
ContactOwnerMailingCounty | String | Ashtabula |
ContactOwnerMailingFIPS | Integer | 7 |
ContactOwnerMailAddressFull | String | 165 Center St |
ContactOwnerMailAddressHouseNumber | Integer | 165 |
ContactOwnerMailAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
ContactOwnerMailAddressStreetName | String | Center |
ContactOwnerMailAddressStreetSuffix | String | St |
ContactOwnerMailAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
ContactOwnerMailAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
ContactOwnerMailAddressUnit | String | NULL |
ContactOwnerMailAddressCity | String | Conneaut |
ContactOwnerMailAddressState | String | OH |
ContactOwnerMailAddressZIP | Integer | 44030 |
ContactOwnerMailAddressZIP4 | Integer | 2207 |
ContactOwnerMailAddressCRRT | String | C004 |
ContactOwnerMailAddressInfoFormat | String | S |
ContactOwnerMailInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
StatusOwnerOccupiedFlag | Integer | 0 |
DeedOwner1NameFull | String | NULL |
DeedOwner1NameFirst | String | NULL |
DeedOwner1NameMiddle | String | NULL |
DeedOwner1NameLast | String | NULL |
DeedOwner1NameSuffix | String | NULL |
DeedOwner2NameFull | String | NULL |
DeedOwner2NameFirst | String | NULL |
DeedOwner2NameMiddle | String | NULL |
DeedOwner2NameLast | String | NULL |
DeedOwner2NameSuffix | String | NULL |
DeedOwner3NameFull | String | NULL |
DeedOwner3NameFirst | String | NULL |
DeedOwner3NameMiddle | String | NULL |
DeedOwner3NameLast | String | NULL |
DeedOwner3NameSuffix | String | NULL |
DeedOwner4NameFull | String | NULL |
DeedOwner4NameFirst | String | NULL |
DeedOwner4NameMiddle | String | NULL |
DeedOwner4NameLast | String | NULL |
DeedOwner4NameSuffix | String | NULL |
TaxYearAssessed | Integer | 2022 |
TaxAssessedValueTotal | Integer | 2717 |
TaxAssessedValueImprovements | String | NULL |
TaxAssessedValueLand | String | NULL |
TaxAssessedImprovementsPerc | String | NULL |
PreviousAssessedValue | Integer | 3196 |
TaxMarketValueYear | Integer | 2022 |
TaxMarketValueTotal | Integer | 11620 |
TaxMarketValueImprovements | String | NULL |
TaxMarketValueLand | Integer | 11620 |
TaxMarketImprovementsPerc | String | NULL |
TaxFiscalYear | Integer | 2022 |
TaxRateArea | Integer | 104 |
TaxBilledAmount | Float | 416.48 |
TaxDelinquentYear | String | NULL |
LastAssessorTaxRollUpdate | String | 7/1/2022 |
AssrLastUpdated | String | 2/15/2023 |
TaxExemptionHomeownerFlag | String | NULL |
TaxExemptionDisabledFlag | String | NULL |
TaxExemptionSeniorFlag | String | NULL |
TaxExemptionVeteranFlag | String | NULL |
TaxExemptionWidowFlag | String | NULL |
TaxExemptionAdditional | String | NULL |
YearBuilt | String | NULL |
YearBuiltEffective | String | NULL |
ZonedCodeLocal | String | RSF3.5 SINGLE FAM. RES |
PropertyUseMuni | String | NULL |
PropertyUseGroup | String | Residential |
PropertyUseStandardized | Integer | 401 |
AssessorLastSaleDate | String | 3/1/1980 |
AssessorLastSaleAmount | Integer | 2100 |
AssessorPriorSaleDate | String | NULL |
AssessorPriorSaleAmount | String | NULL |
LastOwnershipTransferDate | String | NULL |
LastOwnershipTransferDocumentNumber | String | NULL |
LastOwnershipTransferTransactionID | String | NULL |
DeedLastSaleDocumentBook | String | NULL |
DeedLastSaleDocumentPage | String | NULL |
DeedLastDocumentNumber | Integer | 6331072 |
DeedLastSaleDate | String | 3/1/1980 |
DeedLastSalePrice | Integer | 2100 |
DeedLastSaleTransactionID | String | NULL |
AreaBuilding | String | NULL |
AreaBuildingDefinitionCode | String | NULL |
AreaGross | String | NULL |
Area1stFloor | String | NULL |
Area2ndFloor | String | NULL |
AreaUpperFloors | String | NULL |
AreaLotAcres | Float | 0.2295684 |
AreaLotSF | Integer | 10000 |
AreaLotDepth | Integer | 125 |
AreaLotWidth | Integer | 80 |
RoomsAtticArea | String | NULL |
RoomsAtticFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsBasementArea | String | NULL |
RoomsBasementAreaFinished | String | NULL |
RoomsBasementAreaUnfinished | String | NULL |
ParkingGarage | String | NULL |
ParkingGarageArea | String | NULL |
ParkingCarport | String | NULL |
ParkingCarportArea | String | NULL |
HVACCoolingDetail | Integer | 112 |
HVACHeatingDetail | Integer | 236 |
HVACHeatingFuel | String | NULL |
UtilitiesSewageUsage | String | NULL |
UtilitiesWaterSource | String | NULL |
UtilitiesMobileHomeHookupFlag | String | NULL |
Foundation | String | NULL |
Construction | String | NULL |
InteriorStructure | String | NULL |
PlumbingFixturesCount | String | NULL |
ConstructionFireResistanceClass | Integer | 0 |
SafetyFireSprinklersFlag | String | NULL |
FlooringMaterialPrimary | String | NULL |
BathCount | String | NULL |
BathPartialCount | String | NULL |
BedroomsCount | String | NULL |
RoomsCount | String | NULL |
StoriesCount | String | NULL |
UnitsCount | String | NULL |
RoomsBonusRoomFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsBreakfastNookFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsCellarFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsCellarWineFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsExerciseFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsFamilyCode | String | NULL |
RoomsGameFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsGreatFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsHobbyFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsLaundryFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsMediaFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsMudFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsOfficeArea | String | NULL |
RoomsOfficeFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsSafeRoomFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsSittingFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsStormShelter | String | NULL |
RoomsStudyFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsSunroomFlag | String | NULL |
RoomsUtilityArea | String | NULL |
RoomsUtilityCode | String | NULL |
Fireplace | String | NULL |
FireplaceCount | String | NULL |
AccessabilityElevatorFlag | String | NULL |
AccessabilityHandicapFlag | String | NULL |
EscalatorFlag | String | NULL |
CentralVacuumFlag | String | NULL |
ContentIntercomFlag | String | NULL |
ContentSoundSystemFlag | String | NULL |
WetBarFlag | String | NULL |
SecurityAlarmFlag | String | NULL |
StructureStyle | String | NULL |
Exterior1Code | String | NULL |
RoofMaterial | String | NULL |
RoofConstruction | String | NULL |
ContentStormShutterFlag | String | NULL |
ContentOverheadDoorFlag | String | NULL |
ViewDescription | String | NULL |
PorchCode | String | NULL |
PorchArea | String | NULL |
PatioArea | String | NULL |
DeckFlag | String | NULL |
DeckArea | String | NULL |
FeatureBalconyFlag | String | NULL |
BalconyArea | String | NULL |
BreezewayFlag | String | NULL |
ParkingRVParkingFlag | String | NULL |
ParkingSpaceCount | String | NULL |
DrivewayArea | String | NULL |
DrivewayMaterial | String | NULL |
Pool | String | NULL |
PoolArea | String | NULL |
ContentSaunaFlag | String | NULL |
TopographyCode | String | NULL |
FenceCode | String | NULL |
FenceArea | String | NULL |
CourtyardFlag | String | NULL |
CourtyardArea | String | NULL |
ArborPergolaFlag | String | NULL |
SprinklersFlag | String | NULL |
GolfCourseGreenFlag | String | NULL |
TennisCourtFlag | String | NULL |
SportsCourtFlag | String | NULL |
ArenaFlag | String | NULL |
WaterFeatureFlag | String | NULL |
PondFlag | String | NULL |
BoatLiftFlag | String | NULL |
BuildingsCount | String | NULL |
BathHouseArea | String | NULL |
BathHouseFlag | String | NULL |
BoatAccessFlag | String | NULL |
BoatHouseArea | String | NULL |
BoatHouseFlag | String | NULL |
CabinArea | String | NULL |
CabinFlag | String | NULL |
CanopyArea | String | NULL |
CanopyFlag | String | NULL |
GazeboArea | String | NULL |
GazeboFlag | String | NULL |
GraineryArea | String | NULL |
GraineryFlag | String | NULL |
GreenHouseArea | String | NULL |
GreenHouseFlag | String | NULL |
GuestHouseArea | String | NULL |
GuestHouseFlag | String | NULL |
KennelArea | String | NULL |
KennelFlag | String | NULL |
LeanToArea | String | NULL |
LeanToFlag | String | NULL |
LoadingPlatformArea | String | NULL |
LoadingPlatformFlag | String | NULL |
MilkHouseArea | String | NULL |
MilkHouseFlag | String | NULL |
OutdoorKitchenFireplaceFlag | String | NULL |
PoolHouseArea | String | NULL |
PoolHouseFlag | String | NULL |
PoultryHouseArea | String | NULL |
PoultryHouseFlag | String | NULL |
QuonsetArea | String | NULL |
QuonsetFlag | String | NULL |
ShedArea | String | NULL |
ShedCode | String | NULL |
SiloArea | String | NULL |
SiloFlag | String | NULL |
StableArea | String | NULL |
StableFlag | String | NULL |
StorageBuildingArea | String | NULL |
StorageBuildingFlag | String | NULL |
UtilityBuildingArea | String | NULL |
UtilityBuildingFlag | String | NULL |
PoleStructureArea | String | NULL |
PoleStructureFlag | String | NULL |
CommunityRecRoomFlag | String | NULL |
ParcelShellRecord | String | NULL |
TransactionID | String | NULL |
DocumentRecordingStateCode | String | NULL |
DocumentRecordingCountyName | String | NULL |
DocumentRecordingJurisdictionName | String | NULL |
DocumentRecordingCountyFIPs | String | NULL |
DocumentTypeCode | String | NULL |
DocumentNumberFormatted | String | NULL |
DocumentNumberLegacy | String | NULL |
InstrumentNumber | String | NULL |
Book | String | NULL |
Page | String | NULL |
InstrumentDate | String | NULL |
RecordingDate | String | NULL |
TransactionType | String | NULL |
TransferInfoPurchaseTypeCode | String | NULL |
ForeclosureAuctionSale | String | NULL |
TransferInfoDistressCircumstanceCode | String | NULL |
QuitclaimFlag | String | NULL |
TransferInfoMultiParcelFlag | String | NULL |
ArmsLengthFlag | String | NULL |
PartialInterest | String | NULL |
TransferAmount | String | NULL |
TransferAmountInfoAccuracy | String | NULL |
TransferTaxTotal | String | NULL |
TransferTaxCity | String | NULL |
TransferTaxCounty | String | NULL |
Grantor1NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantor1NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantor1NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantor1NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantor1NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor1InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantor1InfoOwnerType | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressFull | ||
Grantor1AddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressState | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantor1AddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantor2NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantor2NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantor2NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantor2NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantor2NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor2InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantor2InfoOwnerType | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressFull | ||
Grantor2AddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressState | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantor2AddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantor3NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantor3NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantor3NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantor3NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantor3NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor3InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressFull | ||
Grantor3AddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressState | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantor3AddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantor4NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantor4NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantor4NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantor4NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantor4NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor4InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressFull | ||
Grantor4AddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressState | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantor4AddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantee1NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantee1NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantee1NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantee1NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantee1NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee1InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantee1InfoOwnerType | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressFull | ||
Grantee1MailAddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressState | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantee1MailAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantee2NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantee2NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantee2NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantee2NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantee2NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee2InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressFull | ||
Grantee2MailAddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressState | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantee2MailAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
GranteeInfoVesting1 | String | NULL |
Grantee3NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantee3NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantee3NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantee3NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantee3NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee3InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressFull | ||
Grantee3MailAddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressState | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantee3MailAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
Grantee4NameFull | String | NULL |
Grantee4NameFirst | String | NULL |
Grantee4NameMiddle | String | NULL |
Grantee4NameLast | String | NULL |
Grantee4NameSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee4InfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressFull | ||
Grantee4MailAddressHouseNumber | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressStreetDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressStreetName | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressStreetSuffix | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressStreetPostDirection | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressUnitPrefix | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressUnitValue | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressCity | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressState | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressCRRT | String | NULL |
Grantee4MailAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
GranteeInfoEntityCount | String | NULL |
GranteeInfoVesting2 | String | NULL |
GranteeInvestorFlag | String | NULL |
GranteeMailAddressInfoPrivacy | String | NULL |
GranteeGrantorOwnerRelationshipCode | String | NULL |
TitleCompanyStandardizedCode | String | NULL |
TitleCompanyStandardizedName | String | NULL |
LegalDescriptionPart1 | String | NULL |
LegalDescriptionPart2 | String | NULL |
LegalDescriptionPart3 | String | NULL |
LegalDescriptionPart4 | String | NULL |
Recorder_LegalRange | String | NULL |
Recorder_LegalTownship | String | NULL |
Recorder_LegalSection | String | NULL |
LegalDistrict | String | NULL |
Recorder_LegalSubDivision | String | NULL |
LegalTract | String | NULL |
LegalBlock | String | NULL |
LegalLot | String | NULL |
Recorder_LegalUnit | String | NULL |
LegalPlatMapBook | String | NULL |
LegalPlatMapPage | String | NULL |
APNFormatted | String | NULL |
APNOriginal | String | NULL |
RecorderMapReference | String | NULL |
Recorder_PropertyUseGroup | String | NULL |
Recorder_PropertyUseStandardized | String | NULL |
Mortgage1DocumentNumberFormatted | String | NULL |
Mortgage1DocumentNumberLegacy | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InstrumentNumber | String | NULL |
Mortgage1Book | String | NULL |
Mortgage1Page | String | NULL |
Mortgage1RecordingDate | String | NULL |
Mortgage1Type | String | NULL |
Mortgage1Amount | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderCode | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderNameFullStandardized | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderAddress | ||
Mortgage1LenderAddressCity | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderAddressState | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderInfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Mortgage1LenderInfoSellerCarryBackFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage1Term | String | NULL |
Mortgage1TermType | String | NULL |
Mortgage1TermDate | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InfoPrepaymentPenaltyFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InfoPrepaymentTerm | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestRateType | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestRate | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestTypeInitial | String | NULL |
Mortgage1FixedStepConversionRate | String | NULL |
Mortgage1DocumentInfoRiderAdjustableRateFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeYear | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeMonth | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeDay | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestRateMinFirstChangeRateConversion | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestRateMaxFirstChangeRateConversion | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestChangeFrequency | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestMargin | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestIndex | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestRateMax | String | NULL |
Mortgage1AdjustableRateIndex | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestOnlyFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage1InterestOnlyPeriod | String | NULL |
Mortgage2DocumentNumberFormatted | String | NULL |
Mortgage2DocumentNumberLegacy | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InstrumentNumber | String | NULL |
Mortgage2Book | String | NULL |
Mortgage2Page | String | NULL |
Mortgage2RecordingDate | String | NULL |
Mortgage2Type | String | NULL |
Mortgage2Amount | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderCode | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderNameFullStandardized | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderAddress | ||
Mortgage2LenderAddressCity | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderAddressState | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderAddressZIP | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderAddressZIP4 | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderInfoEntityClassification | String | NULL |
Mortgage2LenderInfoSellerCarryBackFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage2Term | String | NULL |
Mortgage2TermType | String | NULL |
Mortgage2TermDate | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InfoPrepaymentPenaltyFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InfoPrepaymentTerm | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestRateType | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestRate | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestTypeInitial | String | NULL |
Mortgage2FixedStepConversionRate | String | NULL |
Mortgage2DocumentInfoRiderAdjustableRateFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeYear | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeMonth | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeDay | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestRateMinFirstChangeRateConversion | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestRateMaxFirstChangeRateConversion | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestChangeFrequency | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestMargin | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestIndex | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestRateMax | String | NULL |
Mortgage2AdjustableRateIndex | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestOnlyFlag | String | NULL |
Mortgage2InterestOnlyPeriod | String | NULL |
TransferInfoPurchaseDownPayment | String | NULL |
TransferInfoPurchaseLoanToValue | String | NULL |
LastUpdated | String | NULL |
PublicationDate | String | 4/21/2023 |
The US Consumer Residential Property/Real Estate file has 120 million+ records which include home details, site details, and purchase details on residential properties. This file includes both owners and renters with linkages to Consumer Demographics. We have developed this file to be tied to our Consumer Demographics Database so additional demographics can be applied as needed. Each record is ranked by confidence and only the highest quality data is used. This file contains over 120 million records. *Note - all Consumer packages can include necessary PII (address, email, phone, DOB, etc.) for merging, linking, and activation of the data. BIGDBM Privacy Policy:
Country Coverage
(1 country)Data Categories
- Consumer Marketing Data
- Direct Marketing Data
- Property Data
- Residential Real Estate Data
- Real Estate Valuation Data
- Records
- 120M
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